I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
My Christmas was spent in the Sunshine State... but first we had our World Teach mid-service conference. Sarah and I arrived after a very bumpy speed boat ride from Supenaam. I think we were both thankful we didn't have more to drink at the teacher's Christmas party. Essequibo must have been sad to see us go as the rain came down and down. Anyways, we reached Georgetown and I was greeted by a very happy Fiza. It was great to catch up and hear about her adventures in Paramakatoi. I was envious of her mountainous views and hikes. I was also extremely jealous that she has been playing with a baby jaguar for the last 3 months (it is going to be released). I can't recall the name of the jaguar but I was of a cutesy nature. JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS.
Our mid-service conference was a time for us to reflect on our first term in Guyana. Everyone's experiences were different, and some were better than others. I loved hearing all the stories from the interior, especially the Aishalton boys.
I left Georgetown at 2am to catch my plane to Miami (detouring through Trinidad). A celebration of our last night in Guyana left me a little intoxicated. Well, a lot more than a little. Let's just say that I have never felt so rough flying a plane. I looked like I was ready to hit the town, but I felt like I was ready to hit the pavement. Know what? A three hour flight with a stinging hangover would have been completely doable if it wasn't for the motor mouth sat next to me. Obviously the fact that I was silent and wearing sunglasses was not enough for him to stop talking to me, but a simple explanation of my physical state (you would think) would end his gabbering... no. No it didn't.
I spent my week in Florida mainly relaxing with my parents. I was disappointed at the comercialisation of the Florida Keys and the destruction of our oceans through the removal of coral reefs to sell. However, the time I got to spend with my parents was really great... I just wish my sister could have been there too.
Sarah and I arrived back in Georgetown on the 27th Dec. We stayed the night at a hotel and headed back to Essequibo. I mentioned before the bumpy speed boat ride to Georgetown... well this ride was the Nemesis Inferno of the Essequibo River. THANK GOD I hadn't eaten... =S
We relaxed for the past few days with the occasional visit from Nigel. We made awesome pina coladas and nachoes... something I had been craving for the past 4 months.
Nachos!!! |
As far as New Year goes, all I can say is that I wish this year does not reflect the start I have had. New Year's Eve was a fun time and was not short of funny interludes. I found I was constantly harassed by drunk men. I don't mind dancing next to a guy, but constantly being pulled like a trophy object is not something I enjoy.
New Year's fun with my Roomie! |
New Years day wasn't too great. I walked into wall through the hallway of the school at night to avoid a dead weasel on the floor. You may laugh, I find it funny now... however, I got home to find blood running from my nose. I also gained a headache that I, still now, have not been able to shift. I hope this pounding doesn't last through tomorrow.
I have so much to gain this year. I also have so much to lose. I feel that everything right now is a delicate balance. One thing can push the scale towards the good or the bad. I am pushing everything I have towards the good. I just hope it is enough to make this a good year. 2011 was such an eventful year, not to mention all the wonderful people I have met. 2012 has the potential to be my best year. For better or worse it is going to change my life.
-Peace out world.