Monday, June 20, 2011

Update so far...

I know it's been over a month since I have updated on here but things have been kinda crazy around here. First of all I spent a couple weeks across the pond. I was able to spend some time with my family before I leave for Guyana. It was hard to say goodbye, especially to my sister, but it's not goodbye forever.

 I still haven't heard when I'm leaving yet, but I am hoping that I hear this week. The tentative date is during the second week of August, but I will let everyone know once I do. I should also know where I'm being positioned in July, so I will know all about possible internet access and such. Again, I'll keep you all updated.

I actually do have some interesting information though, I have a 90 page booklet and a guide to Guyana so I have learnt so much already. I know what I need to take (clothes wise) in order to be socially respectable, and what I need to take in terms of toiletries. I am feeling pretty confident in the way I will dress, I just need to check if I need to cover my tattoo while in public.
I have also been looking at all the wildlife I could see and I am PRAYING that I see a jaguar (from a distance of course),  but any new wildlife sightings would be amazing. I'M GUNNA TAKE SO MANY PICTURES!!

I am getting so excited, I just want to leave right now!!

-peace out

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