Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A New Twist

I have over 6 weeks left until I leave for Guyana. I still haven't received my placement yet, but I hoping to get that any day now. I will also (hopefully) have an address to post so you can all send me letters :).

I do, however, have some new news. I have decided to make one more trip home before I leave for Guyana. I have a lot of time in Lafayette with not a whole lot to do. I have had a few unfortunate and frustrating events that are making me hate being here. I didn't see the point in being stranded in Lafayette with no real home, no car or no bike when I could be stranded in Ireland with my parents and Chica.
I hate to leave everyone in the US so early, but I am going crazy here.

My next post will (hopefully) have details of my placement!!!

-peace out

1 comment:

  1. Thats cause there is NOTHING to do in WL.....Go forth and be in a better place, cause really ireland rocks....:)
